Posts Tagged ‘Islam’


Christians regard the ‘Son of God’ phrase used by Jesus[p] as a personal pronoun in the New Testament (four Gospels) as self-consciousness of deity on Jesus’[p] part, whereas, Muslims have contrastingly seen the term carrying no more significance than mere expression of servitude, righteousness, and God-affiliation. At our previous attempt of expounding ‘What Son of God Really Means…’, we presented that very custom Muslim stance, but have since discovered that sonship in Bibliology means more, a lot more, hence this work, which might be read as emendation of our previous views. Herein, we’ve alluded the origin, nature, and history of the phrase in a simple and concise way, yet evoke Scripture familiarity and background knowledge about the contention. All in all, this presents Christians a new but quite inherent way of interpreting the term, placing the Son of God in his ‘proper’ religious and historic context.


Muslims in general hold wishing “Merry Christmas” abominable since it ‘implies’ attesting God’s incarnation in Christ[p] on the 25th of December. However, in my personal opinion, this implication is implied not inherent. “Merry Christmas” only pertains to greeting Christians on the occasion of festivity upon their designated date for the birth of Christ[p]. As such, Christmas compliments are equivalent to any Eid greeting and therefore not detestable.

Is it adviseable to offer respects and hold non-Muslims in regard? I believe so. Most significant part of being Muslim is to be at peace with God, and one cannot be at peace with God so long as he is not peaceful and concerned toward others, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. God does not discriminate as to who be recipient of divine favor – whoever does good shall reap its reward – Muslims are likewise required to spread peace and guidance to all yearners regardless of their prior commitments.

Moreover, greetings bring people closer and how are we to invite and aware Christians to the Islamic Christ[p] if we distance ourselves from them? Wishes are also a way of expressing one’s concern for the other, and often bring opportunity for dialogue and da‘wah. Who knows a Christians, if Allaah wills, may well end up receiving guidance as a result?

In general, Christians to their credit find no hindrance in wishing us “Eid Mubaarak” even though it could mean to imply validity of prophet Muhammad’s[p] prophet-hood, Muslims are obliged by the Qur’an to give back something in a more handsome gesture [4:86].

Worship is a reality, not just an outward form. What is true worship? It is an attachment to one object above all else.  It presupposes such overwhelming preoccupation with that one object that everything else is reduced to insignificance. Claims to spiritual allegiance are of no value if one’s chosen object of worship is other than spiritual.

When one considers a person worthy of being bowed down to, one is actually worshipping that person. When one attaches so much importance to some worldly gain that one tends to overlook all other considerations in order to achieve it, one is actually worshipping that gain. When one associates all one’s hopes and ambitions with wealth, one is worshipping wealth.

In like manner, one is worshipping custom when one places it above all other demands. One is worshipping one’s own self when, overwhelmed by selfishness and antipathy, one blindly seeks revenge. One is worshipping the standard of living when one is so obsessed with the idea of improving it that one devotes one’s entire time and earnings to that end. One is worshipping fame if one is so greedy for rank and prestige that one will do anything to raise one’s status in life. One should never forget that man is being tried in this world to determine whether he is willing to devote himself entirely to God to the exclusion of all else, and to give proof of whether he dedicates himself to God, revering Him, depending upon him and serving Him as he should.

When a Muslim wakens early in the morning, he thanks God for putting him to sleep and awakening him. After his ablutions, he leaves for the mosque in order to join his brethren in attesting to God’s divinity and his own willingness to serve Him. He then ascertains what his Lord expects of him by reading an excerpt from the Qur’an. Then he starts the day’s work.  There  are three prayer times during the day: afternoon, late afternoon and evening. By leaving his work and standing his Lord at these times, he shows that he gives precedence to God above all else in life.

While satisfying his hunger and thirst, every fibre of his being gives thanks to God. “Lord,” he exclaims, “I am wonder-struck at the water you have created for me to quench my thirst with, and the food you have provided for the satisfaction of my hunger!” When  success  comes his way, he  considers it be a gift from God and offers thanks for it. He considers failure to be the result of his own errors, so he seeks to make amends. When dealing with others, he is conscious of God’s presence, which makes him aware of the fact that one day he will be held to account for his actions. When night falls, and he is free of all commitments, he once again washes and, after offering the night prayer, goes to bed. As he drops off to sleep, this prayer is on his lips: “Lord, my life and death are in Your hands. Forgive me and have mercy on me.” It is evident then that a Muslim does not organize his life-pattern independently. When he arranges his life, it is with God clearly before him.

Wahiduddin Khan, Introducing Islam.

A look at some Christian heresies adopted by Sufis.



What follows is more or less a Muslim presentation regarding the identity of the Holy Spirit deduced from a range of Scriptural literature consisting of both Judaeo-Christian and Islamic sources. Though Muslims over-time have been quite unanimous with regards to his identity, Christians have and to this day debate the true identity, personality, and function of the Holy Spirit. Hence, our observation – as we hope – will incite Christian audience including the Muslim.


Verily all praise and gratitude is for God, and may He shower mercy and blessing upon His final Messenger Muhammad!

I haven’t seen the film, neither do I have any such plans, for only the wicked of mind go in pursuit of profanity. Based on what I’ve learned from hearsay, a bunch of individuals claiming orthodox Christian belief have made another vain and futile attempt to defame the holy name of a Prophet whose lovers number among the stars of heaven, who is without dispute the most revered person mankind has ever produced; Muhammad, the Messenger and Servant of God, on whom be peace and blessing. One who calls Jesus, on whom be peace and blessing, his nearest brother and recited glorious verses of the Qur’an which carry nothing save reverence and love for Christ[p]. It is to me of great disgust that factions in the west affiliating themselves with Christ[p] whose teaching founds on love and honor would replicate Zionists of all people; for if slanders of such magnitude came out of Jewish minds then it made some sense; since their history is polluted with long and un-ending nauseous behavior. But Christians, the fore-fathers of whom have themselves been victim of abuse and knowing Christ[p] – whom they proclaim “Son of God” – suffered deep wounds through the sword of verbal assault are the last people you expect would emulate hobbies of Scribes and Pharisees.

The point being communicated is that if you to any extent condone these successive shameless attempts that are nothing but despicable manifestations of pure hatred and schemed to instigate violence for reasons obviously other than religion and the will of God then would you also allow for those Israelite abuse and allegations wrought up against Jesus[p] and his noble mother[p] under the same banner of free speech? If that be so then you’re no better than the Pharisees and Scribes, and if not then you’re still as double-standard and hypocritical as they.

Now of course five fingers are not alike, Christian minded people would in varying degree distance themselves from those who draw out demons of their mind but as long as you don’t reprehend and work actively to cleanse extremism from your house not only will you be in no position to inquire that of us but extremist elements on our side will continue to fail in discriminating and perceive all Christians as one and the same, something you’ve un-fortunately become accustomed to. It is our mutual concern and benefit to root out extremism in spirit and flesh, be it verbal or active. Thus to Muslims I request lower yourselves not to the level of hate-mongers and vilifiers, for Satan is destined to Hades and wishes to take you with him, in-stead, listen intently to what the Qur’an tells you;

The people of wadi al-hijr also rejected Our Messengers: we gave them Our signs but they turned their back on them. They carved out dwellings in the mountains and lived in security [or so they thought before] the blast (of our punishment) overtook them early one morning. All that they had acquired was of no avail to them. We have created the heavens and the earth and all that is between the two in accordance with the requirements of truth and wisdom. The Hour is surely coming, so ignore and overlook [their faults] with gracious forgiveness. Surely your Lord is the All Knowing Creator! We have given you the seven oft-recited verses and the great Qur’an. Do not strain your eyes towards the worldly benefits We have bestowed on some of them, nor grieve on their account. Lower your wing of mercy for the believers and say, “I am, indeed, a plain warner”, such as We send down for those who are divisive and who have broken the Scripture into fragments – by your Lord, We shall question them all about whatever they had been doing! Proclaim openly what you are commanded, and avoid the polytheists. We will, surely, suffice you against those who mock, who set up another god with God, but they shall soon learn. We do indeed know how your heart is distressed at what they say. So [as a remedy] glorify your Lord with His praise, and prostrate yourself: and worship your Lord until what is certain [death] comes to you [Al-Qur’an 15:80-99].




What follows is a minor attempt of assimilating the famous ‘Lord’s Prayer’ with Islam. Though the Prayer requires no incorporating and is very much part of Islamic teachings (if not tradition), the need was there to convey that Muslims not only own the ‘Lord’s Prayer’; it’s message very much expresses the essence of Islam. This short article is edited by me (6sman), the original source can be found here written by brother Joan Booso to whom I’m very thankful.

Dr. Israr Ahmed (may Allaah have mercy on him) un-veils the reality and categories of Shirk in usual elucidative fashion.

A Concise Introduction to the Religion of Islam.

Contents Include

Essence of Religion
Definition of Religion
Contents of Religion
Prophets and Messengers
Purpose of Divine Books
The Responsibility of Indhar
The Objective of Religion
The Correct Religious Attitude
Islam: The Name of this Religion
Iman: The Inner Aspect of Religion
Permanent Requirements of Iman
Contingent Requirements of Iman

If in heart resides light of imaan; the tongue shall sing praises of Rahmaan,
But if the heart be tainted with dirt; it has little choice but obey the Accursed.